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For all the latest Game Reviews, Gaming products, and more. Gamephoton will focus on the latest PC game releases, and follow up information for the viewers.  We will commit to the highest quality reviews.  We will bring you games that will be due to release.  There will be game demos and trailers for all you viewers to enjoy.

Our Mission

To bring the most high quality reviews to gamers.

To better serve the gamers around the world.

To showcase the most up to date games.

Upcoming Releases




Reviewed Games

Bionic Commando Bioshock 2: Sea of Dream Diablo 3
 (July 2009)  (November 3, 2009)   (TBA)

Fallout 3: Broken Steel 

  Starcraft 2  

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

(May 5, 2009)  

(October 31, 2009)     

 (June 2009)

Left 4 Dead: 2

Mass Effect 2 Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince

(November 17, 2009)

(January 26, 2010) (June 30, 2009)

Dawn of War 2    Fear 2 FIFA Soccer 2009
(February 2009) (February 2009) (April 2009)
Riddick: Dark Athena Sins of Solar Empire: Entrenchment The Godfather 2
(April 2009) (February 2009)  (April 2009)
Tom Clancy Hawx Velvet Assassin X Blades
(March 2009) (May 2009) (February 2009)
X- Men Origin: Wolverine The Sims 3  
(May 2009) (June 2009)  


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Electronic mail

Yugo: yugo@gamephoton.com

Den: den@gamephoton.com




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